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Destiny Circles with Jody Stevenson

2025-03-12 11:58 2025-03-12 11:58 America/Anchorage Destiny Circles with Jody Stevenson

9 Minutes ~ 90 Day Challenge To Empower Your Destiny Who can Join? a person who is willing to: Commit to 9 minutes a day of focusing on a daily spiritual practice: 4 ½ minutes in the morning and 4 ½ minutes in the evening for 90 days. Create five destiny spotlight vision pages (we will show you how) and look at them during the 4 ½ minutes in the am and pm. Support your Destiny Circle Soul Partners in consciousness. Ponder a NEW inspiring quote daily for 90 days. Contribute a portion of unexpected income for 90 days to ACSL. Welcome more success into YOUR life. DATE:      Monday, September 24, 2018 ~ 90 DAYS WILL START September 25, 2018 PLACE:    Alaska Center for Spiritual Living, 929 E. 81st Ave., Anchorage TIME:      6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Beautiful Vision Book: $40.00              (made payable to IRL – Institute for Richer Living) To Register: Sign-up on the Destiny Circle Sign-up sheet at the Center PLEASE REGISTER BY September 20TH SO WE CAN CREATE A VISION BOOK FOR YOU.

9 Minutes ~ 90 Day Challenge

To Empower Your Destiny

Who can Join? a person who is willing to:

  1. Commit to 9 minutes a day of focusing on a daily spiritual practice: 4 ½ minutes in the morning and 4 ½ minutes in the evening for 90 days.
  2. Create five destiny spotlight vision pages (we will show you how) and look at them during the 4 ½ minutes in the am and pm.
  3. Support your Destiny Circle Soul Partners in consciousness.
  4. Ponder a NEW inspiring quote daily for 90 days.
  5. Contribute a portion of unexpected income for 90 days to ACSL.
  6. Welcome more success into YOUR life.

DATE:      Monday, September 24, 2018 ~ 90 DAYS WILL START September 25, 2018

PLACE:    Alaska Center for Spiritual Living, 929 E. 81st Ave., Anchorage

TIME:      6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Beautiful Vision Book: $40.00

             (made payable to IRL – Institute for Richer Living)

To Register: Sign-up on the Destiny Circle Sign-up sheet at the Center