As wonderful as our Sunday Celebration is, a greater commitment to personal development is needed to evolve our own consciousness and go deeper into alignment with Creative Intelligence.

The Alaska Center for Spiritual Living provides spiritual tools that transform lives and make the world a better place!meditation silhouette with grass water clouds in background

Our programs are designed to help you develop into your highest self-expression in each area of your life – health, work, finances and relationships. What we know is consciousness is evolving and developmental – that means being aware that there’s always more to learn, more to do, more to become.

If we wish to live a deeply spiritual life, we must develop competency in the basics of living within the complexity of this physical world, and develop emotional intelligence in understanding ourselves and others.

We need to develop a mental discipline to sustain the status quo yet be open and receptive to innovation and creativity.

And as we move into higher levels of conscious competency we begin to understand the far-reaching implications of our interconnectedness to all life, that we are indeed our brothers’ keepers and custodians of this planet.


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